Sunday, 4 December 2022


Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights is one of the major festivals in India. Though it is celebrated with joy and cheer, the massive amount of pollution generated during this festival is one of its negative side. In order to avoid emission of harmful pollutant fumes, one must get rid of burning firecrackers. To make the students know the importance of protecting the God given beautiful environment, Eco club organised an E-Poster competition on the theme Pollution Free Diwali on 23.10.2022 on account of Diwali celebration. Students from various departments participated eagerly. After the analysis of all the posters, winners were selected.

The winners of this competition are: 

1. Sophie Teresa D'costa - II B.Sc.Psychology
2. Sahana.S - III B.Sc.Mathematics
3. Monica Tharakeswari.S - II 

Thus, through this the students gained the knowledge of how to celebrate a happy and healthy Diwali.

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