Initially, the program began with the welcome address given by Deepika.P, Eco club coordinator of II BBA. Before the start of all the presentations, the audience were asked to give their full attention since we had a quiz session at the end.
The following students of II year are the Eco club coordinators of various departments who presented PPT on different sub topics of the main concept.
1. Deepa.P-B.Sc.Chemistry-Science Behind the Ozone Layer formation
2. Ayesha.A-B.Sc.Physics-Importance of Ozone Layer
3. Jeevitha.E-BCA-Depletion of Ozone Layer
4. Deepika.P-BBA-Methods to Protect Ozone Layer
5. Hynool.A-B.Sc.Mathematics-Future Analysis of Ozonosphere
As informed earlier, the quiz session happened and it was conducted by Rithika, Eco Club member of II B.Sc.Chemistry. Participants took notes, listened carefully during the presentation and actively participated in the quiz. Two rounds were conducted. Durga and Kalpana from I B.Sc.Mathematics and Durga Devi from II B.Sc.Computer Science were promoted to the 2nd round and finally Durga Devi secured the first position. Mrs.Anuradha, Dean of Students gave the winner a sapling as a token of appreciation. The program was concluded by a vote of thanks given by Jeevitha.E and the whole program was hosted by V. Karunya Nivetha, Council Member of III B.Sc.Mathematics.